Product FLZ-0630 series | PT Fukuda Technology

FLZ-0630 series

Work/Work Comparison, Work/Master Comparison, Work/Fixed-Master Comparison

The FLZ-0630 Air Leak Tester reduces differetial pressure noise and enables stable measurement in EV’s battery case leak tests for workpieces that are characterized by large volumes and are likely to expand due to pressure.
Product features use a fitting correction function and a newly developed smoothing function in combination to reduce both the noise caused by the large, large capacity and the noise caused by expansion and deformation.
A bypass box (CBU-600) is also included to achieve low pressure control, which is difficult to control, and increased flow rate at large capacities. Accurate pressure control by an electro-pneumatic regulator and large flow rate supply by increasing the effective diameter of the pressure valve are also possible.

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